B-lodging: The Importance of Blogging for Lodging!
November 20, 2008
Recently, a number of hoteliers have been using a new marketing tool in order to drum-up their business, receive customer feedback and break the communication barrier. People planning their travels use social networking forms, trip advisory sites and travel blogs as their advisors when selecting destinations and hotels. Blogging has become the latest trend among travelers and hotel owners.
Many of you must have come across this term and wondered what it’s all about and whether it is even worth the effort.
It’s simple! A "Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A Blog is just a frequently updated, personal website featuring comments, articles and links to articles on other websites by you and your visitors.
Take for example, social networking sites like orkut and facebook and the impact it had on people. Blogging is fairly similar...
Basically, a Blog is like a forum for organizations and individuals to exchange ideas and communicate with each other about their thoughts and opinions, which in a way helps them stay in the social gamut and be more aware of the current events in the related industry. You can create a blog relevant to your business, post articles on the subject, and offer a platform for others to write their comments and opinions on your post. Blogs can range from a variety of subjects, from politics to technology to business.
As an hotelier it is important for you to know what your audiences think of your hotel and whether there is anything you need to work on. Blogs offer just the platform for you and your readers to interact and develop a mutual understanding of each others opinions, as it allows people to write their reactions and comments. You can use this information effectively to meet their requirements and get a better understanding of what they really want.
Blogs can be used effectively by you to promote the features and attractions of your lodging as well as its surrounding area; upload videos and pod casts related to your hotel; communicate latest offers, special discounts, events, inventory description or any additional information to your audience.
The best part about blogging is that people can read what you have to offer and at the same time communicate their reaction to it, giving you a fair idea of whether your business plans are heading in the right direction. This makes a highly beneficial hotel marketing tool.
As you will be the sole regulator of your blog you need now worry about unwanted and lewd comments made by visitors; you have the options of blocking such blog entries at your discretion.
With the help of blogs you can further promote your hotel, as your blog will have a direct link to your hotel website and those interested in your product can directly visit your site and make reservations.
But, now you are probably wondering how people will find your blog and whether it will be noticed...
Don’t worry! Blogs are search engine friendly as search engines instantly pick up fresh content written by you or the readers, which results in higher optimization and ranking, followed by more traffic to your website.
Also, Blogs have a Real Simple Syndicate (RSS) feature that automatically sends information about your post to those who have signed up for it. They come to your blog to read the post or read it in their RSS reader.
Now, just like an infant your blog will need constant attention. Therefore, don’t forget to update your blog with articles and information at a regular basis in order to increase traffic. Blogging is a great way of generating traffic to your site.
In order to promote your blog you can enroll your blog into a blog search engine and your blog RSS into a RSS search engine. Also, inform your guests about the blog and ask them to post comments about their experiences with your hotel. This way others can read about their comments which will in turn get them to visit your hotel.
According to experts blogs will soon replace traditional marketing methods and form a niche of its own, as it has opened a whole new line of communication for people all over the world. So start blogging today!
November 20, 2008
Recently, a number of hoteliers have been using a new marketing tool in order to drum-up their business, receive customer feedback and break the communication barrier. People planning their travels use social networking forms, trip advisory sites and travel blogs as their advisors when selecting destinations and hotels. Blogging has become the latest trend among travelers and hotel owners.
Many of you must have come across this term and wondered what it’s all about and whether it is even worth the effort.
It’s simple! A "Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A Blog is just a frequently updated, personal website featuring comments, articles and links to articles on other websites by you and your visitors.
Take for example, social networking sites like orkut and facebook and the impact it had on people. Blogging is fairly similar...
Basically, a Blog is like a forum for organizations and individuals to exchange ideas and communicate with each other about their thoughts and opinions, which in a way helps them stay in the social gamut and be more aware of the current events in the related industry. You can create a blog relevant to your business, post articles on the subject, and offer a platform for others to write their comments and opinions on your post. Blogs can range from a variety of subjects, from politics to technology to business.
As an hotelier it is important for you to know what your audiences think of your hotel and whether there is anything you need to work on. Blogs offer just the platform for you and your readers to interact and develop a mutual understanding of each others opinions, as it allows people to write their reactions and comments. You can use this information effectively to meet their requirements and get a better understanding of what they really want.
Blogs can be used effectively by you to promote the features and attractions of your lodging as well as its surrounding area; upload videos and pod casts related to your hotel; communicate latest offers, special discounts, events, inventory description or any additional information to your audience.
The best part about blogging is that people can read what you have to offer and at the same time communicate their reaction to it, giving you a fair idea of whether your business plans are heading in the right direction. This makes a highly beneficial hotel marketing tool.
As you will be the sole regulator of your blog you need now worry about unwanted and lewd comments made by visitors; you have the options of blocking such blog entries at your discretion.
With the help of blogs you can further promote your hotel, as your blog will have a direct link to your hotel website and those interested in your product can directly visit your site and make reservations.
But, now you are probably wondering how people will find your blog and whether it will be noticed...
Don’t worry! Blogs are search engine friendly as search engines instantly pick up fresh content written by you or the readers, which results in higher optimization and ranking, followed by more traffic to your website.
Also, Blogs have a Real Simple Syndicate (RSS) feature that automatically sends information about your post to those who have signed up for it. They come to your blog to read the post or read it in their RSS reader.
Now, just like an infant your blog will need constant attention. Therefore, don’t forget to update your blog with articles and information at a regular basis in order to increase traffic. Blogging is a great way of generating traffic to your site.
In order to promote your blog you can enroll your blog into a blog search engine and your blog RSS into a RSS search engine. Also, inform your guests about the blog and ask them to post comments about their experiences with your hotel. This way others can read about their comments which will in turn get them to visit your hotel.
According to experts blogs will soon replace traditional marketing methods and form a niche of its own, as it has opened a whole new line of communication for people all over the world. So start blogging today!